September 22, 2023 Newsletter
The search committee met last week to continue their work. It is recommended in the document “Calling a Minister” that the search committee have a chairperson to work along with the interim moderator. We are extremely grateful to Ian McKechnie for taking this on. The interim moderator and the committee look forward to working with Ian. As we promised in an earlier update, this fall, we will be looking for input from the congregation on what qualities and attributes they value in their minister.
This summer, you have had a variety of people leading the services. Our hope is that this helps you to determine what styles of preaching you want for your church. Just a reminder:
None of the people who will be filling our pulpit are potential candidates!
The search committee has made the assumption that the congregation wants to have an ordained minister, as an ordained minister has the authority to moderate session, represent St. Andrew’s at Presbytery, lead Communion and perform marriage ceremonies. We would be looking for an ordained minister who has proven ability in leading a church through new initiatives. An ordained minister would be full time. If you were to hire a student from one of the Presbyterian seminaries, this person would not be able to moderate Session, lead Communion or perform marriage ceremonies. It is unlikely, but possible, that the person has proven ability in leading a church through a new initiative. The student would still be attending seminary, so he/she would not be able to work full time. A lay person is someone who has an interest in preaching and may or may not have an educational background/experience that includes training in preaching and/or church leadership. You have had two lay persons this summer. The process for gathering information from you will begin shortly. You will receive an email from the church that will ask you to provide input on your ideas. More information about this will follow.
Communion on Sunday, October 1. If you are worshipping at home, please remember to have your elements ready.
Remember the Food Source when shopping this week.
Foods really needed are: cereals, canned fruit, canned vegetables, and canned pastas.
Thank you for your generosity!
Session recently passed a motion that ALL parties who use the church are responsible for the secure closure of doors by having an attendant present to let people in.
Daughters of St. Andrews: Next Meeting Sept. 25 at 1:30 pm in U1. Topic: Orange Shirt Day & Rev. Mary Fontaine. Roll Call: Annual Membership Dues. New members are welcome!
Many community groups rent space in St. Andrew’s on a regular basis: Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, Canadian Mental Health Association, Kawartha Male Chorus, Narcotics Anonymous and TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). There are also rentals that are one time or take place infrequently.
Lectio: Tuesdays @ 10:30 in U3. All are welcome!
PWS&D is accepting donations in response to Canadian Wildfires. Please mark designated offerings accordingly.
Karen Horst (Dip. C.E.; B.A.; M.R.E.; M.Div.& D.D.) began her ministry in The Presbyterian Church in Canada as a Regional Educational Consultant resourcing congregations and developing leaders. She then represented the PCC in church school curriculum design and writing.
Karen has written many study-guides and courses. As Convenor of Presbyterian World Service and Development Agency for 6 years, Karen travelled extensively leading exposure tours and monitoring trips. As a minister of Word and Sacraments, she has served a variety of sizes of congregations and also worked as an Interim Minister. In 2015-2016, Karen served as the Moderator of the PCC. Knox College awarded Karen with an Honorary D.D. She recently retired as minister of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Orillia. Her great passion is international aid and development and justice issues both locally and internationally. Her other passion is assisting congregations in strategic planning and conflict resolution. Karen is enjoying her grandchildren and plenty of hobbies including the family Z3. Karen often quips that “she will try anything once as long as it is moral and legal.”
For prayer requests, contact Evelyn at 705.879.7260 or
Prayer Meeting: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of themonth at 7 pm.
As everyone has no doubt heard or has seen, St. Andrew’s had some storm damage from the hailstorm that passed through the area last month. When you have a building as large as ours, it does take considerable time to check things out. The Property Committee feels comfortable that all damaged areas have been identified, and quotes were sought to repair the damage. The damaged areas were:
Skylights - cost to repair $7,085.10
Various windows - cost to repair. $2,626.12
Rooftop HVAC Units - cost to repair $678.00
Phone Voicemail - cost to repair. $847.50
Total of all repairs - $11,236.72
If we were to put this through our insurance, our deductible is $10,000.00, so we would be paying the first $10,000.00 of the repairs anyway. The reason the deductible is so high is that, similar to your personal insurance, it reduces our premium considerably. Moving forward, we would also lose our claims free discount if this claim was made. In summary, it does not make financial sense to make a claim at this time.
Every November, St Andrew’s has a Stewardship month where a repair or repairs are targeted and money is raised for it. The repairs listed above would be an ideal reason to move Stewardship month for this year from November and start the fundraising for the repairs now.
We have already given the go ahead to get these repairs done as delivery and weather issues may become an issue moving forward.
As such, our Stewardship goal for 2023 is $12,000.00.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request.
Mary Marthas’ Fashion Show: Sept. 29 featuring Cathy Allan Ladieswear & Brittany’n’Bros. Tickets available at both clothing stores for $25. Doors open at 5:45 for desserts & beverages. Fashion show begins at 7 pm.