“Love the Lord your God!”
This Ministry focuses on helping people love God. And that is to worship Him. The Ministry meets monthly to discuss matters concerning the Sunday morning service, and any special events that are held in the Sanctuary.
Under the guidance of Rev. Linda Park and Rev. Bob Quick, we endeavour to ensure that our worship is meaningful and honours God in every aspect.
Committees within the Worship Ministry:
Audio / Visual
Choir — Thurs. at 7:00pm
Communion Preparation
Greeters / Ushers
Living Christmas Tree Choir — Thurs. at 8:30pm, Sept.-Nov.
Joye’s Boys
STAND Music Ministry
World Day of Prayer
The sanctuary is decorated seasonally by various groups within the church; often floral arrangements are presented in memory of loved ones; special arrangements are provided for various celebrations. By and large, the arrangements for such decorations are made through - and often initiated by - the church secretary who can be reached at 705-324-4842.
Each Sunday, members of the congregation are greeted (as they leave the sanctuary headed for St. Andrew’s hall and the coffee social) by a pair of volunteers from the congregation. We hope, through this process as well as others, to enhance the ability of everyone’s being able to identify everyone else in the congregation - a necessity in a congregation of our size. Additional helpers to involve themselves in this enjoyable experience would be welcomed - call the church office at 705-324-4842 to offer your services.
The World Day of Prayer was begun by women in Canada and the United States in 1922 and today is observed annually in more than 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The service offers men and women a moment to reflect upon and affirm their faith in Jesus Christ, to share in the community of Christians around the world and to commit to working for social justice.
The World Day of Prayer is facilitated by the World Day of Prayer International Committee which meets once every four years to select the themes and the countries which will prepare upcoming World Day of Prayer worship services and study aids. In Lindsay, the host church for the service rotates from year to year among various member churches of the Lindsay Ministerial Association. Each of the participating churches in the area assists in the preparation and presentation of the service.
The choir which enriches the services, primarily on Sunday mornings, is an energetic and diverse group who hold a common love for our Lord and Savior, and a common joy of celebrating that love through musical expression. That musical expression includes a wide range of styles and formats, providing a stimulating message to all who join in our services.
Our adult choir consists of approximately 30 individuals in total, with an average of 22 to 25 celebrating each Sunday morning. The members of this choir range from their twenties to over eighty years of age which brings a wonderful mix of voices to each composition.
The leadership from our director of music instills enthusiasm and confidence in the choir members, and exposes the church family to a wonderful range of musical styles.
Special celebrations, such as Easter and Christmas, are particularly important to our choir in showing this form of worship. In this sharing, the annual “Living Christmas Tree” presentations are a key element.
We also enjoy the voices and sweet sound of the children's choir for some of these celebrations, and we celebrate this inclusion in our musical presentations. The leadership provided for these children by a volunteer is a blessing to all.
God has shown us that the joyful sound of music can be an integral part of our worship and we celebrate our choir's involvement in the worship within this church.
The STAND music ministry participates in worship once a month sharing modern music and contemporary arrangements of classic hymns. STAND is an acronym for:
Singing Praise - Worshiping God through instrumental music and song.
Teaching Together - Learning and sharing the word of God in fellowship.
Action - Preparing and working to serve and glorify God through music and song.
Now - Performing modern music and contemporizing classic hymns.
Direction - From God and the Worship Ministry at St. Andrew’s