Our Purpose
To KNOW Christ, to GROW in Christ, to SERVE Christ, to SHARE Christ.
Our Purpose
To KNOW Christ, to GROW in Christ, to SERVE Christ, to SHARE Christ.
That is Biblically based, relevant, joyful, challenging, inspiring;
That is Biblically based, inspiring and relevant for the life experiences of all ages;
That is sincere, compassionate, supportive, loving and encouraging, which reaches out to others;
That is supportive, compassionate and responsive to the needs of the congregation, the community and world;
That is active and committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the community and the world in both words and actions.
Affirming Statement: We believe all people are worthy of God’s love. Our community of faith welcomes, affirms and embraces people from all family configurations, religious backgrounds, racial and cultural identities, sexual orientations, ages, economic circumstances and differing abilities. We invite all in our midst to fellowship and service in Christ’s name, participating fully in the life of our church family through leadership, ministry and worship. Come as you are - as one loved by God. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church welcomes, affirms and serves all.
Our History
St. Andrew's Chronological History
Traveling preachers minister to settlers in open air meetings.
A tiny log church is built on Francis Street by way of congregational bee.
A split in the Scottish Church comes to Lindsay and the locals divide into two congregations.
The first regular pastor is called.
New brick churches are built after the great fire of 1861.
The two congregations unite as St. Andrew's using the church building on Francis Street.
A decision is made to build a new church on the present site. The cornerstone was laid in 1886. The dedication service was held January 2,1887.
The congregation meets in the Opera house while galleries are added to the sanctuary.
First woman appointed to the Board of Managers.
A used pipe organ was purchased from a theatre for the church sanctuary.
St. Andrew's Hall is completed for a flourishing Sunday school.
A coal fired steam heat system was installed.
The Methodist, Congregational, and Presbyterian Churches formed the United Church causing bitter divisions and much turmoil. St. Andrew's voted to remain Presbyterian. The minister and many prominent parishioners went to Cambridge Street United in a dramatic parade.
St. Andrew's responds to the Great Depression with considerable belt tightening. Salaries are cut, printing is reduced, hardwood is tried to save on the cost of coal but this backfires in 1935 when a radiator caused damage when it froze. Soon after, St. Andrew's advertised for a new stoker/caretaker. Eighteen men applied.
St. Andrew's provided relief during WWII. People sent boxes to soldiers; women sewed for the Red Cross.
The Fourth Lindsay Boy Scout group was started.
The Daughters of St. Andrew's was formed.
We started to broadcast Sunday morning services on the radio.
The Mary Marthas group began meeting. Renovation converted St. Andrew's Hall from a huge room to the three floor use we have today. It also created office space and the fellowship room.
We began two Sunday services (but reverted back to single in 1971). The heating system was converted from coal to gas. A permanent lay choir became part of Church life.
An electric organ was installed and is still in use to this day.
The first woman elder is inducted.
The Rev. Orville G. Locke Memorial Carillon, familiar and popular today, was installed.
Our newsletter "St. Andrew's Chimes" begins.
The Living Christmas Tree outreach begins.
St. Andrew's becomes a smoke free facility.
St. Andrew's gets its first pastoral assistant.
St. Andrew's becomes a dual minister church as the first associate minister is called.
The Vision / ABC project is set into motion.
St. Andrew's starts a Vacation Bible School for the kids at church and surrounding neighbourhood.
Ground is broken for the new building.
A dedication service for the new multi-purpose building, which includes a new kitchen, meeting rooms, new washroom facilities, and new administration offices, is held on November 15, 2009.