Finance and Maintenance
Finance and Maintenance
The Finance and Maintenance Ministry, as the name suggests, is responsible for the planning and carrying out of financial activities and for maintaining the church property inside and out. In addition, it is concerned with the safety of our members, our staff and our visitors. The ministry, headed by two members of session with specific responsibility in this regard, is made up of a number of individuals who are involved in various aspects of its activities.
Inspiring us to give cheerfully, to give to various aspects of our work in the proper proportions and to make special efforts for special projects is the responsibility of this group.
The responsibilities of the Property Committee are many and varied. Its members are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the church including the custodian, the building, the boiler, general upkeep inside and outside the building and planning for our facility needs. They are also responsible for all kitchen-related issues.
In this day and age we hear of too many incidents of abuse of many sorts and in many places. The Presbyterian Church in Canada has a policy to prevent such occurrences within its various church communities and this committee is charged with ensuring that the recommendations of the P.C.C. in this regard are in place in our church environment.
Please visit HERE for more information and to download a copy of the Leading with Care policy.
The fire and safety people have the responsibility for ensure that we can respond appropriately to crises of many types. It is due to these people that when an emergency of any sort does occur, we are well-prepared to deal with it. To this end, our representative periodically attend regional conferences dealing with these types of issues and bring home suggestions that improve our already acceptable state of readiness.
The financial planning committee follows with a steady finger our overall financial position and makes resulting recommendations for the use of funds. It is responsible for suggesting changes in emphasis with respect to our financial contributions and in the ways those funds are used.
Community Rentals available