Outreach & Missions
Outreach & Missions
The Outreach and Missions Ministry has a mandate to nurture growth within our congregation. Our goal is to challenge our parishioners to participate in outreach and mission activities through financial support and/or giving of their time and talent. Wherever possible, the Ministry Team will work in concert with other Ministry Teams in an effort to maximize our call to compassion and service. Every aspect of the ministry is an opportunity for Evangelism.
The Community Soup Kitchen has moved up the street from Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church to St. Andrew’s where a soup lunch is served Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. The number of people served varies but, because of the numbers who avail themselves of our Sunday Suppers, we feel that there is a potential of reaching many more needy people. Our volunteers come from St. Andrew’s as well as from several other churches and community service organizations. If anyone would like to make a difference in our community by working with us, please call the church at 705-324-4842 to become involved.
For the past several years, over fifty volunteers have made themselves available on the second and last Sundays of every month to serve “Sunday Supper” to the less fortunate in Lindsay. There are three teams which rotate and a spare volunteer list. The number of people served varies, but at the time of posting, there are usually in excess of seventy visitors. We also offer a winter clothing program to assist our guests during the cold weather and periodically supply them with provisions of personal care items. Anyone interested in assisting with this program is invited to reach the person currently in charge through the church office at 705-324-4842.
The Women’s Missionary Society, of which there are “chapters” in many Presbyterian churches, is “a Community of Christian women whose purpose, in response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, is to encourage one another and all the people of the church to be involved in local and world mission through prayer, study, service and fellowship.” At St. Andrew’s, we have afternoon meetings and would be glad to welcome anyone who is interested in learning about and supporting the mission work of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Please call the church office at 705-324-4842 to learn about current meeting days and times because they do vary.
This website is a new and gradually improving method by which we are attempting to communicate with our congregation and our immediate community. Be patient, we beg, as we work to complete its construction!
Our publicity committee will advertise asrequested all of the special activities at St. Andrew’s. If any group in the congregation wishes to advertise a special event in the community, please let us know; we will be glad to oblige.
The Chimes is St. Andrew's' quarterly newsletter outlining the church's ongoing activities and upcoming events. News of important events is submitted to raise awareness for the congregation. Programs within the church are highlighted to encourage the people to attend and give support. The calendar within the newsletter highlights events that will be happening that month to encourage all members to attend. Each September the newsletter provides “in depth” coverage on up-coming programs and events. The newsletter is a vehicle by which shut-ins and members who do not attend on a regular basis can keep in touch with their church.
Presbyterians Sharing, formerly called the “General Assembly Budget,” is the name of the fund that supports the national programs and ministries of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and it is supported by gifts from congregations. (Presbyterians Sharing does not fund development work and emergency relief; those important functions of the church are funded through gifts to Presbyterian World Service and Development.)
Presbyterians Sharing is a unified fund, meaning that all gifts are pooled and then distributed to a wide variety of ministries in Canada and overseas. Included is the work of the Life and Mission Agency and its departments - International Ministries, Canada Ministries, Justice Ministries, Ministry and Church Vocations, Education for Discipleship and Communications. It also includes the work of the General Assembly, Financial Support Services and the theological colleges in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.
The Outreach and Missions Ministry at St. Andrew’s is involved in helping to stimulate members of the congregation to donate to this important fund and to educate them about what work these funds support.
Knox College is the closest institution to Lindsay which is involved in educating people to become ministers in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. It requires financial help, it needs places for its students to preach and it is a source of guest preachers from time to time. One member of the Outreach and Missions Ministry is responsible for keeping in touch with Knox both to help them when possible and to use their assets when necessary.
A Place Called Home (APCH) is a charitable, non-profit organization that has been providing shelter and 24/7 support services to the homeless—and those at risk of becoming homeless—since 1995. St. Andrews and it’s members work with the team at APCH on various initiatives to support their valuable mission to the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. St. Andrews and it’s members work with the local Habitat chapter on fund raising initiatives and assist in home builds in Kawartha Lakes.