August 18, 2023 Newsletter
The Search Committee met on July 24, 2023. We determined that we would be asking the congregation for input beginning in September. We want to receive new input from the congregation while also taking into consideration any previous data collected from the congregation during past initiatives.
Please watch for more information about our process in the upcoming newsletters. We are committed to finding the best possible person to lead our congregation into the future.
We Remember Reta Cupples. July 9, 2023.
THANK YOU to Janice Loeb and June Widdis for taking turns to volunteer in the church office every Friday. Their contribution of answering the phone, monitoring the door and other duties allows Mary to have her ‘Focus Fridays’ and concentrate on other important tasks.
If you are interested in helping to offer other ‘Focus’ days of the week for Mary, please let her know! She would be happy to show you how it’s done!
A special thank you is extended to Janice Loeb for volunteering in the office during Mary’s vacation earlier this month, to allow Mary some much needed R & R.
Prayer Meetings: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 pm.
Dawna Mahood has graciously taken on the volunteer position of Building Usage Coordinator at St. Andrew’s. There are a few different ways to connect with her to reserve your space required for meetings or special functions. Dawna is in the church every Wednesday morning from 10:00 until noon if you would like to call or stop in to see her.
At anytime when the church is open, you can find a booking form hanging on the east wall in the photocopy room beside Mary’s office.
After completing the form, you may then put it in the mailbox labelled ‘Building Usage’ in the hallway beside the north entrance to the sanctuary.
If your preference is to book a room online, you may go to and select Facility Use, then Book Your Space. You will then be able to select the appropriate form, complete it and submit.
It will still be necessary to go into the office and sign the form.
Any questions? Dawna can be reached via email at
This team formed in late 2021 to come alongside church members who might need someone to talk to, to pray with, or are in need of some assistance with issues they are feeling helpless in dealing with. We are not trained professionals but volunteers. We make contact by card, phone call, email, text or visiting. We follow health protocols in respect to masking and distancing.
Please contact June Widdis at 705 324 9895 or
Alternatively, contact Mary Jeffrey in the church office Monday-Friday 10-2 at 705 324 4842 or
We are always looking for more team members.
David was our guest speaker at St. Andrew’s on August 6 and is scheduled to return to our pulpit.
He was born in Toronto and baptized in November 1949 at Riverdale Presbyterian Church on Pape Ave. His father’s parents had immigrated from the village of Springfield situated near the Howe of Fife, southwest of the town of Cupar, Fife, Scotland, so Riverdale was a natural choice for the family church.
David’s father was raised attending the church and his grandparents were very active in the choir.
Two family moves brought David to Scarborough where he attended the University of Toronto Scarborough campus for his B.A. Following graduation, David completed a graduate degree in Library Science at the U of T’s downtown campus. Upon completion, he worked in a number of library systems culminating in a position as a Collections Coordinator in the Toronto Library System.
After 12 years in libraries, David returned to the U of T for a B.Ed. and began a teaching career that lasted 28 years. He filled a number of positions as librarian, physical education and classroom teacher and retired as a V.P. responsible for Special Education in a Toronto Board school.
Prior to retirement, David began studies at Tyndale University/Seminary. He did so in response to what he saw as a disturbing trend not only in education, but also in society at large. The answer, he felt, was to be found in the principles of our Christian faith. Upon graduation with an M.Div, David became part of a ministry team serving south Lindsay. The lead Pastor provided him with opportunities to work with the community, write weekly devotionals, lead Bible Studies and to preach. Outside this setting, David also designed and taught a religious course, did community work assisting local families and conducted religious services for shut-ins.
Having the opportunity to preach at St. Andrew’s has brought David’s religious life full circle to its roots. He looks forward to the opportunity to worship with the community as St. Andrew’s turns a new page in its 188 year history.
Many items have been left in the Great Hall over the last several months. Please come and take a look if you are missing anything. Items remaining by August 31 will be donated.
At the anniversary of our mortgage in mid-July, we are allowed to make a pay down of principal. Both last year and this year, we have made an extra $80,000.00 payment. As of the end of July, our outstanding mortgage sits at $341,108.00.
Great job, St Andrew's!
The insurance company has been notified that there has been damage to the church after the hailstorm August 3, but the full assessment has not been completed. What we know so far is that the rooftop HVAC units have $678.00 damage to them. We are still waiting for the window people to come in and give us a quote for the repairs. All other things look visually normal and appear to be functioning as intended.
Thanks to Merlin Leney and Jim Bartlett for their prompt attention to these matters.
St Paul’s Anglican Church has a free pantry installed at the front of the church, in an effort to help feed the hungry in these challenging times.
Their Outreach Committee is looking for support from the congregation and the wider community to keep it stocked. If you are able to help them spread the word both to those in need and to those who might be willing to support the pantry, they would be most grateful.
A sign will be attached which says “Take what you need – Leave what you can”.