March 24, 2023 Newsletter
Special Committee Meeting at Crieff Hills.
The last few years have been very full years for me, and many have asked why I am so busy. I never meant to take on too much, but that’s exactly what happened in the last few years. I know some of you can relate. When you’re asked to help, it’s difficult to say no. I want to share with you some of the ministries that I’m involved in outside of St. Andrew’s.
At the beginning of 2020, I was asked to join the Board of The Presbyterian College, my alma mater. I was told that the meetings were held online and would be only four times a year. I thought that this was manageable and that it would be a great way to meet my colleagues who were also on the Board.
Then, in the spring of 2020, two more churches became vacant in the Lindsay-Peterborough presbytery and I was the only full-time minister who was not an interim moderator already. (When a church becomes vacant, the presbytery appoints an ordained minister to be the interim moderator.) The role of the interim moderator is to fill the pulpit, moderate Session meetings, and assess thecongregation for readiness for a new minister. For as long as I can remember, when both Pastor Bob and I were full-time, we took turns being interimmoderators for another church. Currently, I am the interim moderator of both Centreville (South Monaghan) and St. Giles (Peterborough).
Then later, at General Assembly in June of 2020, I was asked to be part of the Special Committee that was appointed to deal with the petitions from Eastern Han-Ca and Western Han-Ca presbyteries. This assignment was emotionally challenging as we heard stories, not only from the two presbyteries but from across our denomination, of racism and discrimination. The commitment required the committee to travel to Edmonton, and Vancouver twice, and there were several days of meeting elsewhere to prepare recommendations and reports.
I hope this gives a little bit of scope of some of the other duties I’ve been asked to fulfill, and a sense of the other responsibilities ministers have outside of their pastoral charges.
Blessings, Rev. Linda
Renewal Fellowship within the PCC: “Let’s get back to business”. Renewal Day 2023: March 25 in Welland, ON or Watch Live Registration through EventBrite.
Fae Quinn extends her heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped to make her 80th Birthday celebration a very special and memorable event!
Who Cleans the Church?
Our regular weekly cleaners, Tracy Elliott (left) and Dianne McCaw (right) are from MT Cleaning Services. Be sure to say hello if you see them in the church during the week!
We Remember: Wayne “Skip” Moynahan (February 17, 2023); Joyce Pounds (March 15, 2023).
Tuesday mornings at 9: 30 at St. Andrew’s, commencing April 25 - May 30, 2023.
Workbook $10.00 (available when you come to first session). Limit of 10 people.
This study will be led by Connie Shannon.
In this 6 week study, Jim Cymbala shows you how to welcome God’s Spirit in a way that can Invigorate your church and infuse a fresh sense of His power in your life.
You will not only learn about the person of the Holy Spirit, you will learn how God wants to work through your gifts and talents to enable you to do what only he can do.You will also learn how the Spirit can bring healing to your body, your emotions, and your relationships. This is just a brief overview. Other things will be learned and discussion is welcomed.
Please call Mary in the office if you wish to take part.
Walk Through Easter Week
As you have probably noticed, the Sunday School has set up a Walk Through Easter Week in the main hall. The children will be learning the story, a little each week, with the idea of being 'guides' for the rest of the congregation on Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, after the service and perhaps before the service (if anyone arrives early). They will retell the story to anyone who would like a tour.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, June 11 for a Picnic at Mariposa Woolen Mill & Farm Market: 1275 Highway #7, Oakwood.
GOOD FRIDAY BREAKFAST: Friday, April 7, 8-10 am. Adult $8, Under 10 $5.
Welcome to the Cafe: March 31 at 6:57 pm. An evening with Bill Dickinson & Friends. Cost: $2. Transportation available. Contact the church office.
The Kinsmen Club of Lindsay
Left to right: Paul McPherson, Dave & Donna Chatland, Don Heaslip.
Donna & David Chatland were honoured to accept a cheque for $5,000.00 from Paul McPherson & Don Heaslip of The Kinsmen Club of Lindsay. This generous donation is designated to the Community Soup Kitchen at St. Andrew’s, which is serving an increasing number of guests, including international students.
Thank you for your commitment to our community!