June 17, 2022 Newsletter
Settling In
It is hard to believe that Nataliia, Yaroslavl and Vladislav have been here for only three weeks and three days after having left their home, their country and their family.
They have shown such great resilience in adjusting to a new country, in navigating their way through a new and different culture and in tackling a new language. There is no doubt that the tremendous support they have received from our Outreach team, our church family and the many community organizations, businesses and individuals has made their adjustment to life here in Canada easier.
Marnie has made her home ‘their home’ and it’s wonderful to witness how comfortable and secure they are feeling.The boys are attending Leslie Frost school, participating in jujitsu classes and Yaroslavl is playing soccer courtesy of the Lindsay Optimist club.The BCG club in Lindsay has generously offered the boys full subsidy for their summer camps and both boys are signed up for what looks like a very fun filled summer. They have joined the public library and Vladislav who is a great reader is thrilled with the books he has been able to find.
Nataliia has had her English assessment and is taking online classes twice a week through Fleming College and the New Canadian Centre. Jane Avery has kindly offered to supplement those classes with twice weekly in person lessons where hopefully Nataliia will be joined by members of a second Ukrainian family, being sponsored by a Lindsay husband and wife.
Marnie, Judy and I are learning about favourite Ukrainian foods as Nataliia has literally ‘taken over Marnie’s kitchen’.
Nataliia is very anxious to find employment and with a few more English lessons we are confident she will be successful in finding work.
I am confident that I speak for our entire Outreach ministry team when I say we are truly blessed through the experience of helping this family and overwhelmed by the support of so many willing to help make their stay here successful. There have been so many ‘God moments’ when individuals have been placed in our path as we have searched for the best ways to support Nataliia and the boys.
As many of you are aware, we are hoping to bring another family here and are working on finding a job and a host.
Part of our goal in Outreach was to engage other Christian churches to come on board and help bring as many families as we can to our community. We are achieving success in doing this. Stay tuned for more information on the Ukrainian-Lindsay Connection.
Dianne Dalton, on behalf of Outreach and Missions.
A Place Called Home Ribbon Cutting
A Place Called Home held their ribbon cutting for the new shelter building on May 28. Following the ceremony, there was a tour of the building, and everyone was able to see all of the plaques on display, recognizing the generous donors who furnished the bedrooms. Thank you to our St. Andrew’s Church family for contributing so generously to furnish a room!
News & Muse Over The Summer
You may see fewer issues of News & Muse over the summer months. It will depend on how much news there is! Please send submissions to deborah.smith@bell.net. Thank you!
Summer Bag Lunch Program Looking for Volunteers
Your Outreach and Missions ministry team is planning once again to offer a bag lunch program to those in need. Bag lunches will be prepared in the kitchen and served at the door for those who attend. Lunches will be offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:30 to 12:30 during the months of July and August.
We are asking that you seriously consider volunteering to help support this initiative. You need not commit to both months but perhaps might be able to volunteer on one day a week for one of the months identified above. Please email Dianne Dalton at tinypaddler@icloud.com or call the church office to indicate your interest.
Thank you for considering this request.
Dianne Dalton, Outreach & Missions Ministry Convenor
The boys enjoy walking Hildy & friend.
First Canadian haircut courtesy of Wally.
First day of school.
Let’s Reconnect!
Coffee Social is back, every Sunday after the worship service. See you there!
Anniversary Sunday
Over 100 people gathered in the sanctuary on June 5 to honour St. Andrew’s 187th anniversary and welcome our guest speaker, Lynnita Weber. After the service, our first coffee social (with cake!) since March 2020 was enjoyed by many in St. Andrew’s Hall.
Sunday, July 17 at Deer Run Golf Course.
Shotgun Start - 3 p.m. Dinner - 6 p.m.
$60 per golfer for 12 holes including a cart.
Dinner only - $25.
Cash or Cheque (made out to June Widdis) or e-transfer to June Widdis at widdisje@gmail.com.
For more information contact June or Marnie at marnienelles@gmail.com.
Request from Ian McKechnie
Ian is preparing a paper for the 2022 Conference of the Canadian Society of Presbyterian History about the legacy of the 1972 edition of the Book of Praise which marks its 50th anniversary this year. He is doing an informal survey and is asking churches in our Presbytery the following questions:
How did your members feel about the change in hymnbooks 50 years ago- enthusiastic, disappointed, apprehensive?
How was the new edition introduced to your congregation 50 years ago? Did it happen quietly? Concerts or hymn-sings held to introduce new hymns or texts?
What are your congregation’s favourite hymn in 2022 - a top ten list? Have they changed in the alst 25-50 years or remained the same?
Does your congregation still use the 1972 edition and if not, why not? The rationale for discontinuing its usage? If it is still being used, is it supplemented by something else?
Ian asks for anyone wishing to participate to please have their answers submitted by mid July to ianmckechnie@trentu.ca or 705-324-1713.
Some of our members may be able to answer all of the questions and others maybe only one or two.