September 30, 2022 Newsletter
Minister’s Message
Silent Retreat at Crief Hills.
Hello Friends! It is so good to be back with you! I’ve missed you! It’s nice to know that you’ve missed me, too.
Back in May when I was offered the sabbatical, I was overcome with emotions. It was truly an experience of grace. It was a gift I didn’t realize I needed badly. The timing of it was perfect, too, for several personal reasons. My parents moved again, and my brother whom I hadn’t seen in three years of Covid came to visit from Korea. The time off allowed me to be there for my family.
During the break, I had several goals. Besides getting healthier physically, I worked on my mental and spiritual health, too. I read a lot, listened to many podcasts, and visited with old friends.
Being off on Sundays gave Dave and me opportunities to check out other churches. There are so many different styles of worship, even within our denomination. After visiting different churches, Dave and I are glad to be back worshipping at St. Andrew’s.
I want to take this opportunity to say “thank you!” to the Session for the ways they came forward to help during my sabbatical. I appreciate the support and care I received.
I also want to share my deep appreciation to the Rev. Bob Quick for his support and work during my sabbatical. None of this would have been possible without his help. I’m sure he didn’t plan to spend the last few months of his ministry on his own. But I am so thankful for his assistance in making the sabbatical possible.
Blessings, Rev. Linda
Wallie Warren’s thoughtful contribution.
Rev. Bob & Cathie trying out their gift of a beautifully refurbished original St. Andrew’s pew. Special thanks go to Jim Bartlett & Graham Ham.
We Remember
Looking for Coffee Social Volunteers
Would you like to look after Coffee Social once every 2-3 months? The requirement is for 2 people to arrive at 9:15 am and finish before noon.
Please email Sherry at or speak to her at church. There will also be a sign up sheet in the Great Hall.
On Sunday, October 2, we will celebrate Holy Communion.
If you are worshipping at home, please remember to have your elements ready.
Barb Brown’s skillful recognition of BROCCOLI, featured as a table decoration at Rev. Bob’s retirement party.
Joyous Singing Returns to St. Andrew’s This Christmas Season!
In the August update from the “Tree Committee”, we asked the congregation to let us know if they were willing and capable of volunteering their time and talents to make the Living Christmas Tree a reality in 2022 and if so, what role(s) were they willing to take on to make it happen.
Thanks to everyone who responded. We had responses from 54 people. Of those, 16 people expressed an interest in singing in the tree in 2022.The remainder expressed an interest in filling one of the supporting roles that make the tree happen.
We have had a chance to review the responses and the level of support offered is great, but we don’t think that a full Living Christmas Tree production is possible, but…..we do think that it is possible to have an amazing Christmas Concert series. It is certainly our intention to bring back a full Living Christmas Tree in 2023.
We are going to present a Christmas concert with some memorable songs from the past along with some Christmas favourites.
Christmas Choir services will be on December 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
Choir practices start on Oct. 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Some of the details are still being worked out, but you can help make it happen.
Help us bring joyous voices back to St. Andrew’s this Christmas season. If you want to sing as part of the Christmas choir, let us know.
We are also looking for creative, talented people to help make this concert series come to life.
Choir members and volunteers to support this project are still needed.
Contact Mary in the office if you are interested. or 705-324-4842
Thanks for your support,
Christmas (Tree) Choir Committee.
Living Christmas Tree Committee
Sally Rogers
Keatha Bartlett 705-878-4821
John Carr 705-341-0040
Ton van Nieuwkerk 705-879-4266