October 29, 2021 Newsletter
How To Help a Friend With Mental Illness (part 2)
“I just don’t know how to help.” There are many ways that we can help a friend with mental illness. The following ideas are excerpts from a blog post by Amy Simpson that can be found at the link provided at the end of this article.
1. Deal with your discomfort: It’s only natural to feel nervous around people who don’t act or think the way we expect them to. But we can ask ourselves whether we have true reasons for fear. If not, we can choose to set aside our discomfort and focus on loving the person we’re with.
2. Let them be the way they are: For many people, it really is difficult to grasp the idea that we can help without fixing the problem. We can share in the sufferings of others, help to lighten the load, and offer the comfort of our presence without fixing anything. Your role is that of a true and faithful friend who loves them as they are.
3. Adopt a learner’s mindset: Too often, we approach people as if we have all the answers, when we may not even know what questions they’re asking. And if we haven’t walked in their shoes, we don’t know what they’re up against. The more you understand, the more you can offer a truly supportive response. So adopt a learning posture, ask questions, and keep an open mind as you learn from your friends.
There’s nothing on this list that lies outside the capabilities of the average human being. Let’s help each other. https://amysimpson.com/2018/08/how-to-help-a- friend-with-mental-illness/
The construction of the new shelter building for APCH is over 50% complete and on schedule. St. Andrew’s members have raised $1985 towards furnishing a room in the new shelter. Thank You!! We have until January to raise the remaining $3515. If you are interested, you may drop off a cheque at the church made out to A Place Called Home, or go online to apch.ca and donate there. Please put St. Andrew’s Church in the comment section. Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Support Cards are available
by ordering ahead by phone
705-324-4842 or email
Greetings from the Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre (PCHC) and formerly The National Presbyterian Museum. Our Campaign began at General Assembly 2021 to raise $200,000, and we are requesting your support. Donors giving over $1,000 will be named on a stained-glass window in the exhibit area of the Heritage Centre located in the former Sanctuary of Carlisle United Church, Carlisle, Ontario (6 km east of Ailsa Craig in North Middlesex, Ontario).
Check out our website at pcheritagecentre.ca for updates and our power point presentation.