November 26, 2021 Newsletter
A Place Called Home New Build Campaign
The construction of the new shelter building for APCH is on schedule for a March 2022 opening. St. Andrew’s members have raised $2260 towards furnishing a room in the new shelter. Thank You!! We have until January to raise the remaining $3240. If you are interested, you may drop off a cheque at the church made out to A Place Called Home, or go online to and donate there, indicating St. Andrew’s Church in the comment section. Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Ron Hutchinson would like to have a few more ushers to fill out the existing ushering teams. Each usher commits to one Sunday every 3 weeks. Currently, duties are light, simply assisting people to find a seat and then exit safely after the service. If you are interested, please contact the church office at 705-324-4842 or .
St. Andrew’s Mailboxes
Help us keep your mailbox up to date.
The mailbox system at St. Andrew’s is undergoing a quiet update. If you get a chance to come into the church and check your box and the updated binder, Mary Jeffrey would appreciate any constructive comments you have. If you do not have a box yet, but would like to have a communication box on site at the church, I’d like to hear from you, too!
To offer feedback, please either email or call the office at 705.324.4842. There are also some feedback forms in the front of the binder, if that is more convenient for you. Thank you!
“Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.”
Rollo May