Questions for Discussion at New Beginnings Open Forum on February 11
1. Reflecting on your entire experience at this church, remember a time when you felt the most engaged, alive and motivated. Who was involved? What did you do? How did it feel?
2. When you consider all of your experiences at this church, what has contributed the most to your spiritual life?
3. Tell about a time when you were most proud of your association with this congregation.
4. What do you think is the single, most important, life-giving characteristic of this church? When we are at our best, what are we doing?
5. Now consider any gifts you have that aren’t shared with the church. Are there gifts –such as talents you enjoy or skills you are good at – that don’t get shared with the church because opportunities don’t exist?
6. What motivates you to come to worship at this church (relationships, habit, desire for God, the church needs me, responsibilities)?
7. Complete this sentence with one of the two choices (everyone should vote for one – no “half votes” are allowed!) “Our church is ...”
a. Rigid or Flexible?
b. Status Quo or Mission-oriented?
c. Fearful or Courageous?
d. Thriving or Getting by?
8. Tell me about leader development in the congregation. What does this congregation do to prepare teachers, elders, and other leaders in the church?
9. What are the ministry opportunities begging for our attention in this area?
10. If our church were to close, what would be the one thing people in the community would miss most?
Join us on Tuesday, February 11, 2020
7:00 p.m. St. Andrew’s Hall
New Beginning Assessor, The Rev. Ken MacQuarrie
All are welcome to share our stories of how God has been present with us.