May 19, 2023 Newsletter
A warm welcome to Kathy Firth, Presbytery Appointed Interim Moderator.
Dear Congregation,
I am very pleased to be working with you as your interim moderator in these times of honouring the past, serving God in the present and excitedly seeking our future. I am a graduate of Knox College and have served as a minister in three congregations.
While I was in my second year at Knox College, my daughter was in a life-altering motor vehicle accident. I became a ‘drop out’ for a year to acquire the new skills needed to support her and to become her advocate.
With the encouragement of my church, my colleagues and my professors, I later returned to Knox College to finish my Master of Divinity. It has been a journey that I hope none of you will be required to take, but in retrospect, I have learned a great deal about my faith, my relationship with God and others and just how far I will go to ensure the best possible life for my daughter.
After graduating, I spent a year ensuring that my daughter had the supports she needed and then accepted a call to Knox Presbyterian Church in Oshawa. After three years, it became apparent that while I loved being a minister, full time ministry was too much along with my other responsibilities. My next charge was at St. John’s Port Perry as a half time minister which was much more conducive to a balanced life. Following that, I retired in June 2022 after a very fulfilling ministry at St. John’s, Cresswell.
Approximately six years ago, I realized that I wanted to learn more about congregations in transition. With this in mind, I completed my Interim Minister Training from the Interim Ministry Network in the United States. In my previous two positions as Interim Moderator, I found that the training from these courses was extremely beneficial in working through the process of building on the successes of the past while embracing the hope of the future. I am convinced that God has something special in mind for this congregation.
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19a)
Ministry is a second career for me. My first career was in education where I was a teacher, administrator and superintendent of education. After three years as a superintendent, I was seconded to the Ministry of Education (Literacy and Numeracy) where I served as one of 5 team leaders across the province. As a team, we worked with Directors of Education, Superintendents and curriculum staff to develop a plan that would give each child the best opportunity for success. There has never been a day in my ministry that I have not utilized the skills I acquired during my first career.
Initially, my role at St. Andrew’s will be to work with the Search Committee. When Rev. Linda takes leave from St. Andrew’s, I will assume the role of Moderator of Session in addition to leading the Search Committee.
The people of St. Andrew’s have worshipped together and served the community since 1835. Many exciting things have happened. As we build on this foundation, it is my prayer that we honour our heritage while fervently believing that the best years are yet to come!
Rev. Kathy Firth
Save the Date: June 25. Farewell Sunday. In the interest of planning, please let Mary know if you’re hoping to join us for a light lunch after church.
Save the Dave: June 11. Church Picnic.
We Remember: Irene (Pat) Deli: April 23, 2023; and Jean Hunter: April 30, 2023.
Search Committee: Mike Snider (Outreach & Missions), Ian McKechnie (Fellowship), Sara-Lynn Francis (Worship), Judy Allan (Finance & Trustees), Connie Shannon (Christian Education), Graham Ham (Session), Paul Davidson (Congregational), Janice Carr (Congregational), Keatha Bartlett (Congregational).
We pray that the members of the search committee will, together and individually, be able to discern God’s will for our church, and that they will feel the support and the encouragement of the congregation.
An Evening of Sacred Music: May 27 @ 7 pm. Featuring Alex Ripley (organ) and Sally Rogers (vocals). Freewill offerings will go to support A Place Called Home.
Golf Tournament: Sunday, July 16th. Tee off at 3 pm, dinner at 6. $70 for dinner and golf, including power cart. Dinner only: $33. Golf only: $37. Sign up sheets in St. Andrew’s Hall during June with the menu. Prize donations are welcome!
Pastoral Care Team
This team formed in late 2021 to come alongside church members who might need someone to talk to, to pray with, or are in need of some assistance with issues they are feeling helpless in dealing with. We are not trained professionals but volunteers. All means of contact are used – cards, phone calls, emails, texts and visiting. We follow health protocols in respect to masking and distancing.
With Reverend Linda’s imminent departure and our Interim Moderator Reverend Kathy Firth’s limited duties, this team will be utilizing our best efforts to assist you.
Please contact June Widdis at 705 324 9895 or
Alternatively, contact Mary Jeffrey in the church office Monday-Friday 10-2 at 705 324 4842 or
We are always looking for more team members.
Sunday School
Joan Snider led the children through the Parables with stories and games and they created their own booklet.
The last Sunday School unit as we head into summer will be the history of St. Andrew’s church. The children will learn about early toys that could be played with on a Sunday, minister’s wearing apparel, stained glass windows, who Saint Andrew was, and we will prepare and plant a St. Andrew’s Sunday School garden in blue and white.
Left to right: Noah’s Ark, Jacob’s Ladder, Pew Doll, Buzz Saw.