February 23, 2024 Newsletter
Kevin Adams was born in Quebec into a military family growing up in Belgium, France, and Eastern Canada. A summer job took Kevin to Jasper, Alberta where he met his best friend, Margaret.
After teaching and living in Canada’s Arctic for fifteen years, Kevin, his wife Margaret, and their now-grown children moved to Lindsay and later to Little Britain.
Kevin spent several years as part of St Andrew’s Living Christmas Tree. Kevin and Margaret began attending St Andrew’s virtually during the pandemic.
After serving as a principal in several area schools, Kevin retired and discovered his love for leading worship as a lay preacher. Kevin credits Rev. Bob Quick as his ever-patient mentor and friend.
Kevin’s hobbies are: choral music, working with fused glass, cottaging, and keeping up with his grandchildren.
The Sunday School lessons in February are all centred around love … the many ways God loves us, loving our neighbours, who are our neighbours, etc. The children start with reading a book or Bible story, discussing and asking questions about it, then doing some crafts that they take home.
In March, the lessons will be all about Easter.
2003 Potluck & Annual Congregational Meeting: After church on Sunday, March 3. Bring your favourite dish to share!
Annual Reports are available at the church.
During early March, we will be changing our locks and keys as well as our security system.
We are requesting that all current key holders who need access to the building more than ten times per year outside of office hours go to the office and receive a new key and create a personal code for the security system before the end of February.
All others who need access outside of office hours are asked to borrow a key from the office and return it after their event.The office will be keeping track of keys that are out and borrowed, and each individual who has a key will be held responsible for it.
The intention is to improve our security because over the years we have lost track of approximately 45 keys, and our common entry code will be made obsolete.
Once the new lock and key system are in place, we ask that all other key holders return their old keys to the office.
Thank you in advance,
Property Committee
There are many ways to contribute at St. Andrew’s, one of which is through financial support. Offering envelopes are available in the church hall. Please simply cross out last year’s dates and add your envelope number or name. Forms are also available if you would like to give monthly by EFT (Automatic Monthly Withdrawal). You are also welcome to give by using the envelopes located in the pews, or by e-transfer at standrewslindsayfinance@gmail.com.
Whichever method you choose to use, please ensure that your name or envelope number is attached to your offering, and that we have an email or home address on file at which to send your annual tax receipt. If you have further questions, please contact the office.